Workshop "Peer-Group Supervision" II - ExploreScience Peer Mentoring for Doctoral Researchers

28. April 2023

Thema: Mentoring-Programme
Anbieter: Graduierten-Akademie (GRADUS)

Zeit: 28. April 2023
Referent*in: Jana Leipold
Veranstaltungssprache: englisch
Diese Weiterbildung richtet sich an : Promovierende
Modus (Ort): Präsenzveranstaltung
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What is "Peer-Group Supervision"?

Peer-Group Supervision is a structured method for peers to regularly mentor each other. In a fixed peer mentoring group, the peers learn and develop together. The regular counseling also supports them in overcoming the challenges that arise in their daily professional lives during their doctoral studies.

Peer mentoring is used as an effective personnel development tool in companies, organizations and universities at various hierarchical levels.

The application of the method is practiced in a full-day workshop.


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