ExploreScience group mentoring

for doctoral researchers of the University of Stuttgart.

The group mentoring enables valuable exchange and networking with an experienced mentor on the one hand and with your own peers on the other.

To take part in the ExploreScience Peer-Mentoring Program, we ask the participants to pay a one-time participation fee of 20.00 Euro. This fee helps us to offer catering at the networking events within our mentoring programs.

In the group mentoring, a small group of 6 to 8 mentees is formed on the basis of a chosen career path (academia, business or society) with focus on special topics (e.g. career strategies, leadership, reconciliation of family and career), and supervised by one mentor from this field. Mentees and mentor meet in regular structured working meetings and exchange views on professional, career and everyday life-related issues. The mentoring takes place only within the group meetings. The duration of the program is 6 months.

All doctoral researchers at the University of Stuttgart are invited to participate. In case of great interest, doctoral researchers in the second half of their doctorate will be given preference. The number of participants is limited.

  • Exchanging experience with peers and a mentor from academia, business or society.
  • Joint reflection, discussion, and mutual support on relevant professional, career, and everyday issues in a trusting, appreciative, and noncompetitive setting.
  • Building up and widen your network.

Die Gruppe definiert zu Beginn gemeinsam mit dem*r Mentor*in die Ziele, Themen, Ablauf, Regeln der Zusammenarbeit und vereinbart feste Termine sowie Art der Treffen (virtuell/Präsenz). Die Treffen finden mindestens einmal im Monat selbstorganisiert statt und werden durch die Gruppe moderiert. Das Gruppen-Mentoring startet mit einer Auftakt-, und endet mit einer Abschlussveranstaltung.

At the beginning, the group defines the goals, topics, process, and rules of cooperation together with the mentor and agrees on fixed dates and how to meet (virtually or in presence). The meetings take place at least once a month in a self-organized manner and are moderated by the group. The group mentoring starts with a kick-off event and ends with a closing event.

Step 1: When registering, the mentee indicates the desired career path: 1) academia, 2) business, or 3) society.

Step 2: Groups are formed according to the career paths. We conduct a group interview with each group to define main topics and clarify open questions.

Step 3: Based on the main topics, GRADUS will form the final group and assign a mentor.

Before the mentoring program starts, it is possible to participate to a decision-making workshop in order to gain clarity about one's own career path.

A general willingness to act as a mentor in the future is required.

Next group mentoring rounds (will be indicated here)

Ongoing ExploreScience group mentoring rounds


This image shows Ekaterina Deckers

Ekaterina Deckers


Coordinator Mentoring Programs

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