ExploreScience Group mentoring round 2023/1

September 30, 2024

Topic: mentoring programs
Provider: Graduierten-Akademie (GRADUS)

Time: September 30, 2024 – April 30, 2025
  Please pay attention to the program schedule at the end of the page. The dates are subject to change.
Registration close: February 24, 2023
Event language: German
This continuing education course is aimed at : Doctoral researchers
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Group mentoring - briefly explained

In the group mentoring, a small group of 6 to 8 mentees is formed on the basis of a chosen career path (science, business or society) with focus on special topics (e.g. career strategies, reconciliation of family and career), and supervised by one mentor from this field. Mentees and mentor*in meet in regular structured working meetings and exchange views on professional, career and everyday life-related issues. The mentoring takes place only within the groupmeetings. The duration of the program is 6 months.

Who is the group mentoring aimed at?

All doctoral researchers at the University of Stuttgart are invited to participate. In case of great interest, doctoral researchers in the second half of their doctorate will be given preference. The number of participants is limited.

What are the goals?

  • Exchanging experience with peers and a mentor from science, business or society.
  • Joint reflection, discussion, and mutual support on relevant professional, career, and everyday issues in a trusting, appreciative, and noncompetitive setting.
  • Building up and widen your network.

How does it work?

At the beginning, the group defines the goals, topics, process, and rules of cooperation together with the mentor and agrees on fixed dates and how to meet (virtually or in presence). The meetings take place at least once a month in a self-organized manner and are moderated by the group. The group mentoring starts with a kick-off event and ends with a closing event.

How does the group building and matching work?

Step 1: When registering, the mentee indicates the desired career path: 1) science, 2) business, or 3) society.

Step 2: Groups are formed according to the career paths. We conduct a group interview with each group to define main topics and clarify open questions.

Step 3: Based on the main topics, GRADUS will form the final group and assign a mentor.

For participation in ExploreScience Mentoring Programs, a one-time participation fee of 20.00 euros is required. This fee helps us to finance catering during the workshops and at mentoring networking events.


Decision-making workshop

February 17, 2023, 9:30 am – 5 pm (in German)

Deadline for application February 24, 2023
Group interview March 16, 2023
Kick-Off event 

Groups "Business" & "Academic Career" (German): June 22, 2023

Group "Business" (English): July 05, 2023

Meeting Mentoring group Once a month with approx. 2h duration, independently organized and led by the group itself together with the mentor, dates have to be fixed in the beginning.
Closing event 

Group Science and group Business (German): December 8, 2023

Group Business (English): February 2024, tbc


This image shows Ekaterina Deckers

Ekaterina Deckers


Coordinator Mentoring Programs

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